Monday, March 21, 2011

Chase, You're 2 1/2 Years Old

Holy, moly! Chase, you are two and a half years old already! Pretty soon, you will be starting preschool. What happened to my itty bitty little bundle who now talks up a storm with whomever he mets. So funny...Chase will say hi and bye to everyone as we enter or leave a store. They may be a few cars a way, but hey, if you're within eyesight of Chase, he wants to acknowledge you!
Your big thing now is hockey. You sleep with the hockey stick your dad made for you. You design hockey sticks out of building blocks. You play hockey with anything slightly resembling a hockey stick -even a fake camping knife makes a good stick. "Where is my hockey stick?" Can be heard whereever you go. Needless to say, you've watched a lot of hockey with your big brothers playing this year.
You are super smart too. You can count, say your colors, sing any song on the radio. Such a happy go lucky little guy with attitude plus. We love you Chase!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Two Years Old

My baby, Chase...where has the time gone? Two years ago, you came into my life and I am so, so thankful for you. I love you. Your sweet, happy little self brings smiles and joy to so many. Just this morning, your big brother Aidan said "Just looking at Chase's face makes people want to smile." It's true!
Right now, you're at daycare and I am missing you so much! We had fun singing in the car this morning, you're favorite (and mine) being the country song "Roll with It." You know that part word for word and many other songs. I love how you dance, and sing and just are a wonderful light to the world.
Thank you for being my sweet Crabcake, Babycake, adorably animated and incessantly smart little Chase!

Friday, June 18, 2010

21 months and some weeks old.

Oh I missed Chase so much while we were in Kenya for 3 weeks! His angelic little voice, sweet baby face and joyfulness were so good to see once we got back.

He is talking up a storm and grew SO much while we were gone. He still gets up in the night, but I'll take the cuddling while I can. :) Can't believe my baby will be two years old in two short months. WOW.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

20 months, 3 weeks and 2 days old's been a month since I last posted. That goes to show how hectic things are...enough about that, about Chase.

He is just talking up a storm. He can say pretty much everything and understands most everything. I love when he says "bye guys" or "bye brothers" in the morning. And his new favorite "Cayeb! Wake up please!" as he yells upstairs. Cayeb is what he calls Caleb. He has been able to say Aidan for awhile. It's adorable when he dances and sings. He really knows how to get down and really knows the words to songs on the radio. Sing until the Whole World Hears is one if his favorites. Whoa-o-oooo" is his part. Or Slow Fade at the end when the little kid sings "be careful little eyes what you see." He says "SEEEEEEEE." Oh my baby is growing up and I am so going to miss him while on our trip! Love you, Chase!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Nineteen Months, 1 week, 4 days!

Chase is just a little ham. He laughs at himself when being silly. He dances. He tries to sing along to just about every song on the radio.

Monday, March 22, 2010

18 months, 3 weeks Old

Wow time flies! Chase is already 1 1/2 years old and growing up SO fast. Just this weekend, he did the sweetest thing. Chase was playing happily when his brother Caleb began crying, quite loudly. That didn't phase Chase, it caused him to walk right up to Caleb, crouch down to where he was lying on the floor and gently pat him on his tummy to console him. The love a little guy can express is so precious!
He had a high fever again last week, so I got to stay home with him for a day. :) What a gift! Through it all, he was still happy go lucky little Chase.

Another cuteism:
When saying goodbye to his brothers each morning, they happily say "Bye Chase!" Chase, used to say "bye," "goodbye," or "bug-goodbye," but now says "Bye Chase!" back. Too cute!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

17 months, 3 weeks and 1 day

Oh baby Chase. You are growing too fast for me to keep up!
Here's a cuteism:

Chase knows how to play hide and seek counting "one...two...three and hiding in his hands" or counting then just closing his eyes. His dad taught him that. What a camcorder moment.

He is just a little pumpkin. His favorite thing to do is wiggle closer to me when cuddled up, as close as he can get. And toothbrushes...he loves running around the house with no less than 2 (preferably 4) toothbrushes in his little hands.